On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, the South Harrison Community School Corporation Board of School Trustees gathered to discuss key educational and operational matters. Below are the highlights from the meeting:
The student councils from Corydon Central and South Central Jr./Sr. High Schools shared their January updates virtually about what happened last month in each building. Despite several days of eLearning, two hour delays and finals, a lot was done!
Corydon council members celebrated the boys wrestling team and girls swim team who earned Mid Southern Conference titles, informed the Board about the upcoming Build-a-Bed program students will get to participate in, as well as reported the success students had during last week’s mock interview sessions. South Central’s council president reported two award ceremonies are coming up this week for grade period recognitions, the SCHS Alumni Band is scheduled to perform this month and their FFA Club has a full month of activities to promote their organization and the farming community.
At each meeting the principal of one of the schools in the district gives a presentation or invites staff or students to share with the Board what learning looks like in their building. This month New Middletown Elementary School Principal Robert Briscoe spoke and highlighted the growth of the preschool program over the last several years. He noted the support of the Board and the Harrison County Community Foundation is key to the program’s longevity and student success.
CCHS Athletic Director John Atkins also shared with the Board a potential change to the Indiana High School Athletic Association transfer rule and how, if passed, could impact South Harrison’s sports programs at Corydon and South Central.
To conclude guest presentations, both FFA Club sponsors shared presentations highlighting student work done during the first semester at each school as well as upcoming events in February including the annual FFA Pancake Breakfast.
According to the Indiana School Boards Association, January was School Board Appreciation Month, and due to inclement weather the community encountered last month, we chose to recognize our Board members last night at February’s meeting. The Board is comprised of educators, parents and active community members who are dedicated leaders and care greatly about the success of every South Harrison student. As such, we thank and honor each member for generously giving their personal time and energy to making decisions that make South Harrison the great district it is!
SHCSC Board Members: (front row, left to right) Karen Lopp, Barb Smith and Mary Mathes, (back row, left to right) Larry Hauswald, Steve Simler and Nick Evans, (not pictured) Deneen Stewart.
Upcoming Events
The next few months are busy, so be sure to mark your calendars for the following events:
National FFA Organization 50 Cent Breakfast – Feb. 20, 6:30 - 8:30 AM, Corydon Central & South Central Jr./Sr. High Campuses
2025 PreK Round Up
New Middletown Elementary School - April 11, 8 - 10 AM
South Central Elementary School - April 10, 2 - 6 PM
Heth-Washington Elementary School - April 22, 3 - 5 PM
2025 Kindergarten Round Up
Corydon Elementary School - April 8, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM and April 10, 3:30 - 6:30 PM
New Middletown Elementary School - April 9, 1 - 3:30 PM and April 11, 8 - 10 AM
South Central Elementary School - April 8, 2 - 6 PM
Heth-Washington Elementary School - April 22, 3 - 5 PM
Next month's meeting will begin at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. To view the agenda when it's uploaded and access the Google Meet to attend virtually, click here.